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Fireplace Talk: Application Possibilities of Ammonia

It was a pleasure to host, with our AHK colleagues, a Fireplace talk on the Application Possibilities of Ammonia in various industry sectors this week.

Susanne Welter, from the German Embassy in Japan, opened the session with welcoming speech that focused on the challenges in the energy sector regarding the Russian invasion on Ukraine, and the importance of bilateral and international cooperation.

The current and potential future role of ammonia in decarbonization efforts was subsequently highlighted by ZBT, and the Clean Fuel Ammonia Association. In particular, the work of the CAMPIRE ALLIANCE was presented. Industry, research institutes and international parts have come together to collaborate on the development of an ammonia eco-system via the support of BMWK and BMBF. Green Ammonia could support the storage of renewable energy or be utilised in the shipping industry. Further to this, the Clean Fuel Ammonia Association stressed the importance of standardization and certification for international ammonia cooperation.