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WG1: Expert Workshop and Site-Visits on Heat Waste Utilization

A detailed report on the event with selected visual impressions can be found here.

On February 27, an expert workshop on waste heat utilization took place at the Institute for Gas and Heating (Gas- und Wärme Institut, GWI) in Essen. The workshop co-organized by ECOS, NEDO and adelphi on behalf of the German-Japanese Energy Partnership gathered Japanese and German experts in the field of waste heat utilization from policy, research, associations and industry. The workshop was opened by welcoming remarks from the hosts Margit Thomeczek and Prof. Dr. Klaus Görner (both GWI) as well as by Peter Beck from ECOS Consult. Masashi Hoshino from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Dr Falk Bömeke from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) welcomed the participants via video messages and emphasized the importance of the heating transition and German-Japanese exchange on technologies, policies and cooperation opportunities. The one-day workshop was divided into three theme-based sessions. The morning session focused on the current status of and an outlook on waste heat utilization in Germany and Japan. The second sessions provided examples of waste heat utilization from different sectors and the third session was dedicated to the circumstances and challenges with regard to waste heat infrastructure. The program was completed with panel discussions on the political framework of waste heat utilization, efficient district heating and cooling networks and cooperation opportunities between Japan and Germany in the field of waste heat. The workshop was followed by two days of site-visits of waste-heat related projects and technologies in Germany for interested participants, especially for the guests from Japan. Among the sites were visits of thyssenkrupp Steel in Duisburg and of Georgsmarienhütte, where waste heat from steel production is used for district heating.