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Women in the Energy Sector: H2 Strategies and Developments

On the morning of September 28, a women networking event was held at the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (AHK Japan) in Tokyo. The event was moderated by Jana Narita (adelphi), organized by The Japanese-German Energy Partnership Team and supported by "Women In Green Hydrogen" and by the "Women Energize Women" initiative. The focus topic of the event was "H2 Strategies and Developments". The invited expert speakers Dr. Christine Falken-Großer (Federal Ministry for Economics and Climate Action), Capt. Runa Jörgens (German Maritime Center) and Dr. Namiko Murayama (thyssenkrupp nucera) described their personal backgrounds and experiences through their work in the sector and provided subject-specific insights into current German and Japanese hydrogen policy and the industry's perspective on current developments. The fruitful discussion with all participants focused, among other things, on ways how to increase active female participation at business events and conferences, and on specific questions, for instance, regarding the plans for hydrogen pipeline infrastructure. During and after the event, the opportunity for questions was welcomed by the participants with many lingering on for personal exchange.