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Women in the Energy Sector: Leadership

On March 1, the Japanese-German Energy Partnership Team with the kind support of the German-Japanese Energy Transition Council organized a vivid exchange on women empowerment at the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (AHK Japan) with a focus on “women in leadership in the energy sector” to address gender inequalities and develop strategies to support women on their career paths in the sector. We are more than glad to contribute to the cause of gender equity in the energy sector and are grateful to initiatives, that work tirelessly for this goal, such as Women Energize Women or Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition

Again, we want to cordially thank Dr. Kathrin Goldammer from the Reiner Lemoine Institute and Mika Ohbayashi from the Renewable Energy Institute to share their inspiring stories and perspectives about their career paths and female leadership with us. The event gave the participating women space to exchange ideas and give each other advice. This led to an open and honest round of discussions followed by further personal conversations and exchanges.