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6th Meeting of the Energy Transition Working Group

The 6th meeting of Working Group 1 "Energy Transition" of the Japanese-German Energy Partnership took place on 24 January 2024. The co-chairs of WG1, Anton Hufnagl (BMWK) and Hideyuki Umeda (METI), together with other representatives of the partnership and industry, exchanged insights and views on developments in the offshore wind market. In the second part of the meeting, the participants discussed current developments in energy efficiency policy in Japan and Germany. Topics for future dialogue and activities of the partnership were also reviewed. Usage conflicts between offshore wind farms, shipping, fishing and military use in the Exclusive Economic Zone are to be addressed as an example for the topics in the area of offshore wind this year, alongside floating and other turbine technologies. On energy efficiency, an exchange of views and information on heat pumps and the necessary legal framework will be the one of many topics this year.